Hosting minors
What is an unaccompanied foreign minor (UAM)?
A person who is under 18 years old and is in Belgium without someone who has parental authority or guardianship is an unaccompanied minor.
What must I do to accept an unaccompanied minor myself?
If you live in Flanders or Brussels, you can register with Pleegzorg Vlaanderen. You can do this online, via this website Foster care for minor Ukrainian refugees | Foster Care Flanders
If you live in Wallonia or Brussels, you can apply to Mentor Jeunes. You can find the contact details of Mentor Jeunes at their website.
Will every unaccompanied minor be allocated a guardian?
Yes, the Guardianship Service appoints a guardian for each unaccompanied minor to legally represent them.
Currently, there is a waiting list for appointing guardians.
What does a guardian do?
The guardian is the legal representative of the unaccompanied minor. He or she ensures the safety and general well-being of the minor, helps to find appropriate care and education for the minor and monitors the psychological and medical condition of the minor.
The Guardianship Service appoints the guardian. Only someone who is officially recognised as a guardian by the Guardianship Service can be appointed as a guardian. To this end, the guardian has first gone through a selection procedure and received specific training on guardianship. The guardian carries out his or her duties under the supervision of the Guardianship Service and the Justice of the Peace.